About Lake Arrowhead Conservation Council
Dedicated to the preservation of Lake Arrowhead
About LACC – a 501c3 non-profit organization
LACC emerged as a volunteer group from a local group of waterfront owners lead by Dave Sanfason and known as MAG Force. Working with the LAC Board, MAG leaders realized that a formal LAC Committee would be needed to address the variable leaf milfoil problem that had been found in Lake Arrowhead. In their wisdom, they formed the Lake Improvement Committee and installed trustee Mike Fitzpatrick as Chairperson.
Realizing that grants from federal and state sources need to be directed to a 501C3 non-profit, Fitzpatrick realized we would need to set up a non-profit tax-exempt corporation to allow for grant funding. Within six months or so, all paperwork had been filed with the Federal Government and Lake Arrowhead Conservation Council was formed as a non-profit.
Since that time, LACC has partnered with the Maine DEP, COLA, Maine VLMP and other lake based conservation groups to develop the most robust DASH Harvesting program in the state. LACC has grown from building one initial harvester to running two. The second harvester was a result of partnering with the Maine Milfoil Initiative which was Federally sponsored and lead to LACC receiving a grant which allowed us to build our second harvesters.
We have grown to over 160 members in the past twelve years and have also established strong relationships with both the towns of Limerick and Waterboro. Both towns contribute annually to our mission of milfoil removal.
Our group runs various fundraisers to supplement the dues, grants and donations we receive. Some well known fund raisers are the LAC/LACC Golf Tournament; 50/50 Raffle, Bingo, Yard Sales and Fishing Tournaments.