March 18, 2024

Ledgemere Hydro, LLC hereby provides notice of an upcoming flashboard and dam crest repair event at the Ledgemere Hydroelectric Project located on Lake Arrowhead. This requires a reduction in typical lake level by 4.0 feet.
The lowering of Lake Arrowhead is required to repair flashboard damaged during recent high water events.
Beginning the week of March 18, 2024, Lake Arrowhead elevation will be lowered by 4.0 feet. Lake Arrowhead elevation will remain lowered for up to two weeks. In the interest of public safety, the boat launch wlil be closed with posted signage when lake lowering begins and for the full duration of the low water conditions. Boats and other watercrafts that require launch usage for removal should be removed from the lake prior to March 18, 2024.
Ledgemere Hydro will provide schedule updates throughout the process including when:
1) The lowest lake level is initially reached
2) An estimate of low water duration is available
3) Work is complete and lake refill begins
4) Lake refill is complete
Ledgemere Hydro will request additional water releases from upstream entities that govern releases into Lake Arrowhead, if feasible, to minimize lake refill time. The time required to refill the lake will depend on weather conditions at the time and may take two weeks or more to reach the typical level.
Should you have any questions, please contact Ben Lenz by email, [email protected] ,with a copy to Greg Freeman, [email protected] , or call Ben at 203-240-3664.
Ledgemere Hydro sincerely appreciates your cooperation and attention to this matter.

June 26, 2023

Hello Everyone,

As you’re likely aware, Lake Arrowhead’s water level is currently lower than usual. The reason for this is to allow the forecasted precipitation (and the potential resulting upstream water releases) to refill the lake, thereby minimizing spillage over the flashboards relative to the level if it wasn’t lowered. If this spillage is substantial enough, flashboard failure will occur. We aim to avoid flashboard failure to the extent possible, so as of yesterday, the lake level reached the lowest allowable level per the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Please reach out with any questions. 



Eagle Creek Renewable Energy


May 23, 2023

Good Morning All,

As of this morning, we are within several inches of typical lake level. We anticipate refill completion tomorrow, just in time for the holiday weekend. I thank you for your patience and understanding. Enjoy the long weekend and be safe out there on the water – always wear a life jacket!

Best Regards,



May 18, 2023

Good Afternoon All,

As a brief update, we were able to get working on flashboard repair sooner than anticipated, my apologies for the late notice with work in progress at this time. The work should be completed by the end of the week with refill immediately following on Friday afternoon or early next week. 

Best Regards,


Eagle Creek Renewable Energy


May 2, 2023

Hello Everyone,

As you may already be aware, we’ve unfortunately lost about 25% of the flashboards as a result of the recent, significant precipitation event. At this time, we’re passing as much water as possible to minimize lake level changes. Once inflow subsides to a more normal amount, the lake level will be lower than is typical. We are in the process of recovering from this event and planning for the repairs, with a goal of completing repairs ahead of Memorial Day weekend. 

 This repair will require pulling the lake level down to the dam crest which is 4′ lower than the typical level, completing the repair work, and refilling the lake. As always, the schedule will have some uncertainty due to mother nature. We’ll communicate our intended plan when it becomes available. 

I thank you for your understanding and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.



Eagle Creek Renewable Energy


Feb 22, 2023

Good Afternoon,

Flashboard repairs were completed yesterday with lake refill in progress. The changing water level could affect any lake ice that may be currently present and/or that may form prior to reaching typical lake level. Please remind folks of this fact and to therefore exercise caution.

Have a great day,


Eagle Creek Renewable Energy


Dec 27, 2022

Hello Everyone,

I am writing to let you know that approximately 50% of flashboards were lost during the recent precipitation event. The lake level is about two feet below the normal level at this time, and it may continue to drop an additional two feet pending inflow conditions. We are currently evaluating a plan and schedule to repair these flashboards and restore the typical lake level. I’ll provide an estimated schedule when it becomes available.

Best Regards,

Eagle Creek Renewable Energy


Dec 02, 2022

Good Morning Everyone,
I’m pleased to report that flashboard repairs are complete, and that the normal lake level has been reached. Barring unexpected circumstances, we do not anticipate further lake level modifications for the foreseeable future. Everyone’s patience and understanding throughout this process has been appreciated. As always, feel free to reach out with any questions.
Happy Holidays,


Nov 24, 2022

I apologize for the delay; this update was received on Wednesday.
Another update from Eagle Creek Renewable Energy (Dam Owner) regarding the lake level and dam repairs.
Good Morning Everyone,
The weather has cooperated quite well this week for a timely lake level reduction and repairing flashboards. Repairs will be completed today, with lake refill beginning this afternoon or evening and continuing through the holiday weekend. I will provide weekly updates until the normal lake level is reached. I thank everyone for your patience and understanding throughout this process.
Happy Thanksgiving,


Nov 22, 2022

Another update from Eagle Creek Renewable Energy (Dam Owner) regarding the lake level and dam repairs.
Good Morning Everyone,
The lake level has been reduced and reached the top of the dam. An evaluation is underway to understand the nature of the problem, potential repairs, and estimated timetables. Another update will be provided when an approximate repair and refill schedule is available.
Best Regards,


Nov 17, 2022 (5:00PM)

Hello Everyone,
Following the attainment of normal lake levels this morning, the seal between the bottom of flashboards and dam crest has failed. As such, the lake level is again required to be lowered to approximately the dam crest (approximately 3 feet lower than the current state) in order to perform repairs. This is estimated to take one week, but ultimately depends on precipitation and inflow conditions as you’re aware. Once that level is reached and the situation is evaluated, we will communicate an estimated repair and refill schedule.

Hopefully this does not present any undue issues as we remain outside of the typical recreation season. I will maintain the weekly update cadence, at a minimum, and will share additional information as it becomes available.

Best Regards,


Nov 17, 2022 (morning)

Hello Everyone,
Following this week’s precipitation and inflow uptick, I’m pleased to report that Lake Arrowhead is now back at the normal level. I appreciate everyone’s patience and attention to these matters and wish you a happy holiday season.
Best Regards,


Nov 15, 2022

Hello Everyone,
Following the completion of maintenance work and the start of Lake Arrowhead refill last week, we’re still about 2 feet below the full lake level. As you’re likely aware, the time required to refill is dependent on inflow which is out of our control. Based on current weather forecasts, the estimated time to reach the full lake level is approximately 1 week from today. I’ll continue to provide weekly updates until this level is reached.
Best Regards,


Nov 8. 2022

Another update from Eagle Creek Renewable Energy (Dam Owner) regarding the lake level and dam repairs.

Good Afternoon Everyone,

Work continues to progress well. Completion is anticipated during the day tomorrow (Wednesday 11/9/2022) with refill beginning at 7 A.M. on Thursday 11/10/2022. Given the rain forecast for Friday and Saturday, refill is anticipated to occur relatively quickly. As previously mentioned, you will be notified shortly after refill completion which will be the final update. 

As always, your attention to these updates and patience with this process is appreciated.

Best Regards,


Nov 2. 2022

Here is your weekly update from Eagle Creek Renewable Energy (Dam Owner) regarding the lake level and dam repairs.

Good Afternoon Everyone,

With the weather being extraordinarily cooperative this week, work has progressed very well. Assuming the remaining tasks go to plan, we will be ready to begin lake refill on Wednesday 11/9.

Thank you


Nov 2. 2022

Here is your weekly update from Eagle Creek Renewable Energy (Dam Owner) regarding the lake level and dam repairs.

Hello Everyone,

I’m pleased to report that inflow has become more manageable with the water level finally reaching the target. We’re making progress on flashboard maintenance and replacement and the previously estimated lake refill date of 11/16/2022 still appears accurate. 

Thank you


Oct 24, 2022

Hello Everyone,

Based on observed conditions this morning including the water level still above dam crest and the weather forecast, we’re estimating another week of time added to the schedule. The previous estimate had lake refill beginning around 11/9/2022; the current estimate is now 11/16/2022. The project continues to pass as much flow as physically possible, which includes removed flashboards, full generation intake, and full floodgate opening.

Per last week’s update, I offer a friendly reminder to please remind residents to stay clear of marked work areas and personnel 24/7 in the interest of everyone’s safety. 

Best Regards,


Oct 21, 2022

Hello Everyone,

As an update, we continue to await inflow conditions to allow for the full lake level lowering. The lake level is approximately 6 inches high at this time, even with some work progress made by removing all flashboards. We anticipate that the previously communicated schedule (i.e., work completed in the coming weeks with lake refill beginning on or about 11/9/2022) is still accurate. 

One important reminder I ask you to distribute to residents ASAP: In the interest of everyone’s safety, please do not pass the posted “construction area” signs to enter active work areas on private property. Please do not approach workers as unanticipated interactions can prove dangerous for those workers and/or the general public with various tasks in progress and tools and equipment in use. 

We appreciate everyone’s continued patience and attention to these important matters.

Thank you,


Oct 17, 2022

Update from Eagle Creek Renewable Energy (Dam Owner) regarding the lake level.


Here are several updates regarding Lake Arrowhead levels. As of this morning, the Lake is about 1 foot above the intended level with all the rain lately. The intended level (i.e., about 4 feet below typical level) should be met in approximately 2 days.  That estimate will ultimately depend on weather conditions.

Following a site inspection this morning, the estimated duration of the low water conditions is 3 weeks. This timetable would have lake refill beginning on approximately 11/9/2022. This duration may change as the maintenance work begins and more details become available. As things progress, the dam owners will provide us with updates.