Lake Arrowhead Weather

Lake Arrowhead Conservation Council

The mission of the Lake Arrowhead Conservation Council through fundraising, government grants and member donations are to protect and conserve the natural resources of Lake Arrowhead, specifically targeting the prevention and control of invasive aquatic plants and animals in our waterbody.

⇒    Boater safety requirement for 2024 (See below)  ⇒ CHEMICAL TREATMENT – ProcellaCOR  August 15, 2024 ⇒ New law impacting boaters, paddlers, anglers, and any other watercraft users:  ⇒ 

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Oct 17, 2022

Update from Eagle Creek Renewable Energy (Dam Owner) regarding the lake level.


Here are several updates regarding Lake Arrowhead levels. As of this morning, the Lake is about 1 foot above the intended level with all the rain lately. The intended level (i.e., about 4 feet below typical level) should be met in approximately 2 days.  That estimate will ultimately depend on weather conditions.

Following a site inspection this morning, the estimated duration of the low water conditions is 3 weeks. This timetable would have lake refill beginning on approximately 11/9/2022. This duration may change as the maintenance work begins and more details become available. As things progress, the dam owners will provide us with updates. 




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