The Arrowhead Prop Busters (“APB”) held their annual fishing tournament on Saturday, August 17th.  It was the largest fishing tournament that they have held.  It was a great day of fishing and some BIG BASS were caught.  The results were as follow:


  1. Bill Kespert & Jake Faneuf – 20-9.4 pds
  2. Tony Gelardi & Scott Janosik – 19-11.0 pds
  3. Jack Jarosz & Ben Jarosz – 13-3.8 pds
  4. Rob Herbert & Rick Hebert – 13-3.4 pds

Lunker (largest fish) went to Tony Gelardi & Scott Janosik – 5-8.8 pds


APB donated $1,230 from the tournament to LACC.  Special thanks to Shannon Doyle and all the members of APB along with the participants and supporters who attended the weigh-in.







 I am thrilled to announce that we sold the last tickets the day before the drawing. 

 Thank you to everyone who sold tickets and participated in the raffle.  Because of you, we raised $5,000 for LACC.

 Congratulations to the winners of the Big 50/50 Raffle !!!!


1st prize –  Anne McInnes  $3,000

2nd prize – Susan Langevin  $1,500

3rd prize – Mary Villano  $500

A big thank you to Anne McInnes and Susan Langevin who each donated $500 of their winnings to LACC. Their generosity is greatly appreciated.   

With these donations, LACC raised $6,000 from the raffle. 

I would also like to thank Amy and Wendy at the Office for helping sell raffle tickets.  The raffle wouldn’t be such a success without their help. 

Enjoy the rest of the summer !!!

Tracie Doyle










The 16th annual LACC golf tournament

Friday, July 19, 2024

Province Lake Golf Course

Registration/welcome – 7:00am

Call to carts – 8:15am

Tee off – 8:30am

Entry – $125 per player


Lunch and prizes at the course immediately following the tournament.  After party at the Oreto’s house in LAC as usual!


Enter a team of 4 or individual players!  Any questions or to enter a team, please reach out to Beth Howard ( or Phil Oreto (  Advance payment by check is always appreciated.  You can mail to:


Phil Oreto

303 Leisure Lane

Limerick, ME  04048


Cash or check also accepted that morning, but please no credit cards.


Please pass this information along to past players as I don’t have all the emails.






I am thrilled to announce that we sold the last tickets on the day of the LAC annual meeting.   Thank you to everyone who sold tickets and participated in the raffle.  Because of you, we raised $5,000 for LACC.

 Congratulations to the winners of the Big 50/50 Raffle !!!!

     And the winners are:

         1st prize –  Michelle Reynolds $3,000

2nd prize – Kathy Hart  $1,500

3rd prize – Bill Fultz  $500

 A big thank you to Michelle Reynolds who donated $1,000 of her winnings to LACC, and Bill Fultz who donated his entire winnings of $500 to LACC.

 Their generosity is greatly appreciated.  With these donations, LACC raised $6,500 from the raffle. 

I would also like to thank Amy and Wendy at the Lake Arrowhead Office for helping sell raffle tickets. 

 You can all take a break from my emails now.  Enjoy the rest of the summer !!!


Tracie Doyle



Club tournament 5/6/23

The Arrowhead Prop Busters held a club tournament on May 6th and donated $150 from the tournament to LACC.  The winners of the tournament were Randy Ellis and Glen Garfield with a total weight of 21.1 pds and a lunker of 4.46 pds.



         The Arrowhead Prop Busters (“APB”) held their annual open fishing tournament on Saturday, August 19th  from 7am-3pm.  It was a great turnout and a great day for fishing.  There were some BIG BASS caught that day.  The winners were as follows:

1st  – Dennis Cilley & Drew Santa Barbara – 21-7.4 pds

2nd – Chad Bishop – 21-5.6 pds

3rd – Bill Kespert & Jake Faneuf – 19-6.2 pds

4th – Jesse Loomer & Chris Linnie – 18-14.0 pds

 Lunker (largest fish) went to Chad Bishop weighing in at 5-11.6 pds

          As a result of the great support, APB was able to donate $1,280 to LACC.  Thank you to Shannon Doyle and the other members of APB along with all the participants and supporters who attended the weigh in and participated in the 50/50 raffle.



The 15th annual LACC golf tournament

Date: Friday July 14, 2023
Venue: Province Lake Golf Course, check-in starts at 7am, call to carts at 8:15
Entry fee: $125 per player

We raised the fee $5 per player due to inflation 😊.  Plus, I want to make sure our 15th anniversary is a memorable one!

Details to follow, but the format will be generally the same as prior years.  Please let us know if you are entering as a team or individual(s).  If you want to pay in advance, checks can be mailed to:

Phil Oreto

303 Leisure Lane

Limerick, ME  04048











The Arrowhead Prop Busters held a club tournament on July 30, 2022They donated $240 from that tournament to LACC.  The winner of the tournament was Shannon Doyle with 14.06 pounds.  The team with the largest bass (“lunker”) was Jim Owens III and Jim Owens, Jr. with a weight of 4.24 pounds.


A local fishing club called the Arrowhead Prop Busters holds an open fishing tournament each year on Lake Arrowhead and makes a donation to LACC from this tournament. 

They donated $860 from the 2022 open tournament held on Saturday, August 20, 2022. 

Thanks to Shannon Doyle and APB for their generosity.

Pictures coming soon.

View pictures


Lake Arrowhead Calendars

Each year, LACC sells calendars with pictures from around Lake Arrowhead that are submitted by our members and the Lake Arrowhead Community.  This fundraiser was started by a former board member, Louanne Romaneck, and is now being run by Kellie McHugh.  In the fall, Kellie starts circulating emails requesting calendar orders, and the calendars are distributed in December.  If you think you have a great picture and want to submit it for consideration to be in our calendar, you can submit it to Kellie now.  Please limit your photo submissions to five pictures each and be sure to submit a good quality picture from a camera or newer cell phone.  The pictures must be related to Lake Arrowhead.  The calendars are $20 each, and we are able to ship them for an additional cost.  The calendars are beautiful and make excellent holiday gifts.  If you wish to submit photos, you can submit them to

To purchase – Please e-mail your order to I will require your name, address, phone number and the number of calendars you want to order.  Please be reminded, if you want to have your calendar(s) mailed, I will need to know that as well.  

Our goal as always is to beat the prior year’s sales!  and if you wish to purchase a calendar, you can contact Lynn Hawkes starting in September.

Click to view our 2021 LACC Calendar







Thank you to everyone who sold tickets and participated in the raffle.  Because of you, we raised $5,000 for LACC.

 Congratulations to the winners of the Big 50/50 Raffle !!!!

 And the winners are:

 1st prize – George Sonia    $3,000

2nd prize – John O’Leary   $1,500

3rd prize – Dennis & Karen Cox  $500

 We would like to thank George Sonia who donated all of his winnings back to LACC.  That is $3,000!  We would also like to thank John O’Leary who donated $750 from his winnings to LACC.

Their generosity is greatly appreciated.  With these donations, LACC raised $8,750 from the raffle.


The 14th annual LACC golf tournament was held on July 15th at Province Lake Golf Course. Once again, it was a great day for golf, and everyone had a lot of fun. The course was in great shape and the lunch was awesome as usual. In total, we had 52 golfers and 20-hole sponsors.

Thank You hole sponsors:

Samantha Granger, Kelly Williams Realty N. Waterboro
Janet Robinson, Passion for Pets Rescue (PPR Pets) Limerick
MH Tractorworx LLC Limerick
Memory Pillows by Louanne Romaneck Limerick
Senator David Woodsome (Woodsome for Maine) N. Waterboro
Cove Mill Design, Co. N. Waterboro
Tammy Girard, Brown Dog Originals N. Waterboro
Atlantic Coast Title Co LLC So. Portland
Lakeside Market E. Waterboro
Colin Canning & Sons Septic Services E. Waterboro
Insurance Professionals Inc. Buxton
Waterboro Market & Café E. Waterboro
J.C. Northeast (Venmo Pay’t-Beth’s Ck) Limerick
Lakeside Plumbing (Venmo Pay’t-Beth’s Ck) Limerick
Maine Cannabis (Treavor) ($100 Cash/$100 P.O. Ck) Limerick
Hear Me Again, LLC (Pomerleau) Hearing Care Provider Biddeford

Debra J. Wentworth, CPA

Treeline to Shoreline Realty, Inc. N. Waterboro
XOTA Brewing Company LLC Waterboro
State Rep Matthew A. Harrington (Committee to Elect Matt Harrington) Sanford

The event raised over $4000 for the first time ever!  Special thanks to the newly formed golf committee this year for making the event so successful – Beth Howard, Cameron Owens, Connor Blackwell, and Steve Rife.

Next year will be another milestone for this event- our 15th year anniversary! The date is already locked in – July 21, 2023. And preparations have already begun. Thank you to everybody who helps make this event such a success! By: Phil Oreto.

Winners – Sean Fitzpatrick, Helen Fitzpatrick, Mason Rowell, and Tim Lachance

Jim Owens Jr – Senior Long Drive

Helen Fitzpatrick – Longest Drive women

Mike Card – Long Drive men

Dave Clark – closest to the PIN

Click on score card to view team pictures.